Flight of the Phoenix – Game Session – 011

Game summary for January 31, 2013, Flight of the Phoenix Spelljammer campaign; present PCs included Amothar Skyblade (elf fighter/mage),  Moto Patton (giff myrmidon), Orophin Calafalas (half-elf bard), Zirin (dracon swashbuckler), Zorn Seregon (psionicist) along with Callisto (fighter/psionicist), Elaina of Ptah (cleric), and Safana bent Anwar (sorceress).

As the Pisces headed through Realmspace, a sailor spotted a neogi mindspider off the port bow!  The team scurried into action trying to evade the ship.  The team got off a few shots with the ballista, hitting once.  The mindspider caught up and rammed!  The grappled ships came to a sudden halt while neogi and an umber hulk swarmed across!

Several of the Legionnaires were confused by the umber hulk’s gaze.  The umber hulk and Moto engaged in melee, with both sides drawing blood.  Zorn attempted to disintegrate the hulk unsuccessfully.  Amothar unleashed a barrage of magic missiles at the injured hulk, dropping it!  One of the neogi attacked the caster and tried to poison him.  Callisto failed to hurl one of the neogi overboard with her mind, while Orophin bounced a lightning bolt, frying a neogi where it stood.  Elaina called down a flame strike, hitting herself, the remaining neogi, Zirin, and Zorn.  Safana finished the neogi with another magic missile.

Orophin, Safana, and Zirin boarded the mindspider and found a spellcasting neogi!  Orophin and the spider-creature traded magic missiles!  Zirin then cut it down with his long sword of sharpness!  They freed the human slaves and dispatched the umber hulk in the lifejammer helm.

The team then set back out and reached their destination, the Rock of Bral!

Flight of the Phoenix – Game Session – 010

Game summary for January 10, 2013, Flight of the Phoenix Spelljammer campaign; present PCs included Amothar Skyblade (elf fighter/mage), Orophin Calafalas (half-elf bard), Zirin (dracon swashbuckler), Zorn Seregon (psionicist) along with Callisto (fighter/psionicist), Elaina of Ptah (cleric), and Safana bent Anwar (sorceress).

The team interrogated the woman, named Arliss, and discovered the berserkers lived on a nearby asteroid.  They went to talk to the berserker’s jarl to trade Arliss for some captives she claimed they held.  The group found the asteroid to actually be a massive living plant with no rock or soil, just enormous entangled wooden branches.

A small team went down to the surface to speak with the jarl about the exchange.  It soon became apparent the jarl cared nothing for Arliss but instead wanted restitution for his two slain krajen.  When the party insulted him by offering a single gold coin, he stated he’d just take their cargo and ordered his men to attack!

The jarl lead the charge, slamming his axe into Amothar’s chest, staggering the elf back!  The berserker’s wokani moved forward and hit three of the team with a nasty lightning bolt!  Arrows sailed out of the vegetation and axemen closed into melee range.  Things looked bleak!  Zirin used feather fall to jump off the ship and come down to the surface and join her companions in battle.  Callisto tried to psionically teleport but failed and instead had to rappel down a rope.  Amothar gave the Legion their first advantage by hitting the jarl and wokani with a cone of cold!  Elaina used cure serious wounds to help the elf recover from the wounds the jarl and a second berserker had already dealt to him.

Zorn used a jump power from his ring of projection to return to the ship where he could use psionics from a distance.  Orophin and Safana both lined up lightning bolt spells, felling nearly half the berserkers.  This just drove the remaining maniacs into a frothing rage, and battle continued in its bloody brutality.  Soon, the jarl and wokani were slain, and things turned against the berserkers.  A few moments later, the team was victorious!

They then discovered a hidden level amidst a pile of skulls and found an “underground” lair with an imprisoned merchant and his wife along with a pile of gleaming coins!

Flight of the Phoenix – Game Session – 009

Game summary for January 3, 2013, Flight of the Phoenix Spelljammer campaign; present PCs included Amothar Skyblade (elf fighter/mage), Orophin Calafalas (half-elf bard), Zirin (dracon swashbuckler), Zorn Seregon (psionicist) along with Callisto (fighter/psionicist), Elaina of Ptah (cleric), and Safana bent Anwar (sorceress).

While traveling in the Flow, the Pisces came across a drifting tropical island filled with exotic birds and tangy fruits.  The Legion of the Schwartz was sent in to investigate the air supply, which they found to be fresh and pleasant.  They brought the ship in close to refresh the air supply.  They discovered a “SOS” on the beach and followed a trail into the jungle.  They found a large tree house made of the wreckage from an old Spelljammer vessel.  Up in the house, they discovered a journal and a chest filled with coins and a few magic items.  Reading the journal, they learned the tree house belonged to Captain Bronco Resinous who was stranded 30 years prior.  His last entry from two years ago indicated he was investigating some strange silvery spiders he had seen in the distance.

The team decided the captain was long dead and left as quickly as possible.  Along the way, they found bizarre things such as birds slain by razor blades and smooth-cut tree stumps.  After talking to Captain Robilard, they agreed to leave the island immediately.

The team then continued through the Flow for many days until they came upon the Realmspace Crystal Sphere!  They waited for the portal to open and slipped through.  As they did, they were ambushed by Starbeast Clan berserkers riding krajen!  The tentacle-ringed horrors flew in next to the ship while berserkers swarmed over the rails.  The krajen began smashing the ship while axes and arrows cut into the party.  Zorn was paralyzed by krajen poison.  Amothar tried to use magic missile and found the krajen resistant to magic.  Orophin and Safana began unleashing lightning bolts with devastating results, dropping berserkers and archers right and left!  Callisto put her daggers to work while Zirin fought through the barbarians to land telling blows on one of the krajen!  Zorn, although paralyzed, used the power of his mind to unleash psionic destruction on the krajen, successfully using his disintegrate several times for the first time.  The battle was short and violent.  Finally only a single archer bobbed in the gravity plane eager to surrender.  The team pulled the woman in to interrogate.